Fontys ICT InnovationLab News

Find out about all the news and developments that take place at the Fontys ICT InnovationLab.

22 April 2021
Here the air should vibrate with inspiration!
Here the air should vibrate with inspiration!

Collaborating with industry is nothing new for FHICT. "We've been doing that for about 13 years with our Partners in ...

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15 April 2021
Artificial Intelligence (AI) gets boost from Growth Fund
Artificial Intelligence (AI) gets boost from Growth Fund

The National Growth Fund announced last week that it will make a quarter of its €4 billion budget available to strengthen ...

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16 March 2021
New Partners of Innovation welcomed to Fontys ICT InnovationLab
New Partners of Innovation welcomed to Fontys ICT InnovationLab

Fontys School of ICT welcomed no less than three Partners in Innovation and new SPARC members on March 12, 2021. During a festive ...

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26 February 2021
What if you could reproduce a business park digitally?
What if you could reproduce a business park digitally?

Imagine that you can digitally recreate your business park to test the best solutions for making it more sustainable. No ...

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