Graph database using Natural Language Processing
Data Driven Business Lab
Client company:Flooid
Nikita Gavrilov
Ilya Tsakunov
Gergana Agorasteva
Victor Plesciuc
Alexander Vereshchagin
Yaniek Martens
Project description
The main research question is following:
How to design an information network to enable its members to increase transparency and data flow
That would let partners share their knowledge and connect people to work together based on specifically required or similar information. Thus, the information is publicly available for all members of the network.
And sub-questions include:
- What kind of data should be in-network?
- What are the community's needs for the network?
- How can Datastic make a network using the tools (web scrapping, NLP, graphs) that are chosen?
- How can the data from the network be stored?
- How can the network be presented to the end-user?
- How can this project be transformed into a business?
Flooid is a start-up company that mainly functions as a consulting partner in the networking industry with platforms using natural language processing and knowledge graphs. Flooid acts as a catalyst in the shift of systems creating an impact on how people work, live, and care for our environment. Their sense-making indicates that many systems have reached their highest potential in relation to their context and need to shift. They do this by bringing people, knowledge and artificial intelligence together augmenting human capabilities, seamlessly integrating on- and offline worlds.
Flooid has its very roots in learning about reinventing organizations through communities. It has been the cradle for a model of community-based learning and innovation supported by a platform using the Natural Language Processing concept. This platform creates contexts for making explicit what is implicitly known, resulting in collective learning. Flooid has a list of partner universities and mindlabs that are ready to be a part of the networking environment.
In this section, we describe all the results that are to be delivered by Datastic. This contains research documents that look into the possibility of creating a knowledge graph based on Flooid’s and the communities’ needs and the planning of how this was conducted, a user manual describing the workflow of the proof of concept, content files resulting from applying webscraping techniques from project partners and the programming code necessary. These can all be found in the Transferability folder that Datastic handovers to Flooid.
Project Plan
At the beginning of the project, the group created a Project plan where the most important guidelines of the project were described, including the main research question, sub-questions, the scope of the project, methodologies that were used throughout the project, and settled up initial deadlines. The project plan was reviewed several times by the client and by Datastic’s coach in order to provide quality feedback and agree on the terms of the project. When both parties were agreed on provided way of working that was documented in the project plan, it was validated.
Research Doc
In the research document all the decisions, research, and findings that were made during the lifespan of the project were documented. The document itself is used as a validation of the results that the Datastic has achieved throughout the project.
Business plan
Business plan used as validation of the main idea of the product. In this document promotional strategies, distribution strategy, SWOT and TOWS analysis, market research were discussed.
The Manual Document describes the way of setting up and working with the applications and technologies that were used. The main purpose of the document is to provide an explanation and understanding for the future project groups on how to work with the technology and provide for them a good start.
Webscraped files
Datastic performed research on techniques which allow us to retrieve content from websites that are connected to the community. Based on the research and Flooid’s advice the technique chosen is called ‘webscraping’. Datastic gathered this content and structured it into a folder containing textfiles named after the entities that provided the data.
To reach a proof of concept/demo product there were a few coding steps necessary for Datastic to go through. Firstly, webscraping, getting data about the target companies, secondly, creating rules using the Wowwolian language to process the webscraped data and make it ready to be translated into Nodes, Relationships, Labels, and Properties for the Neo4j database. Lastly, Datastic also provides code for the visualisations in Neo4j using the CYPHER query language.
Validation and Added Value
The project was realized using the Agile SCRUM working method. Datastic members had weekly meetings with stakeholders from both Flooid and EyeOnText. During these meetings the prototypes developed were discussed and evaluated, and new actions were created to ensure that the product developed was in line with the community's needs.
1. What kind of data should be in Network?
Research Strategies:
- Workshop
- Field
- Lab
- Brainstorm
- Interview
- Hardware validation
- Weekly meetings where the group discussed the next steps of projects .
- Interview with Petra van Dijk representative of MindLabs.
- Test how well the software is running on local devices.
2. What are the community’s needs for the network?
Research Strategies:
- Workshop
- Field
- Stakeholder analysis
- Interview
- Business plan was created.
- Interview with Petra van Dijk representative of MindLabs.
3. How can Datastic make a network using the tools (Web scraping, NLP, Graphs) that are chosen?
Research Strategies:
- Library
- Workshop
- Lab
- Field
- Showroom
- Expert interview
- Prototyping
- Product review
- Code review
- Throughout the project lifespan several prototypes of application were created to test and gain more knowledge about the technology.
- Weekly meetings with Flooid partners to evaluate the current versions of software.
- Monthly meetings and workshops with EyeOnText, experts in NLP.
4. How can the data from the network be stored?
Research Strategies:
- Library
- Workshop
- Field
- Literature study
- Exploration of available tools
- Extracted data from websites were stored locally on Datastic’s devices and were updated via GitHub.
5. How can the network be presented to the end-user?
Research Strategies:
- Workshop
- Showroom
- Field
- Prototype
- Observation
- Available product analysis
- Peer review
- The prototype presented to the end-user and their interaction with it was evaluated.
- Research how we can replace the Neo4j web application so it will be more intuitive for the end-user.
6. How can this project be transformed into a business
Research Strategies:
- Library
- Field
- SWOT analysis
- Stakeholder analysis
- Business plan.
About the project group
The group has different educational backgrounds including Industrial engineering and management, IT and business, IT and software, and finance. The group worked in an Agile way using Scrum. The project was divided into sprints where each sprint lasted for one week. The group worked 24 hours per week meaning 3 working days were fully booked by this project.