Since 2018, the Fontys ICT InnovationLab has been located at Strijp T, in the middle of an ecosystem of innovative companies. The location is a so-called hybrid learning environment that practices an innovative form of education. In parallel, a research team has been studying the development and impact of this unique learning environment since 2019. In this roadmap, we provide insight into how we shaped this research. We also share findings, insights and conclusions.
Lilian Croes, project leader of the research team Strijp TQ, tells you more about the research in the film below.
The research into the impact of the InnovationLab started with three research lines. Research line A focused on the educational concept realised by Fontys University of Applied Sciences ICT (FHICT) in the InnovationLab, research line B focused on the knowledge created and shared in the lab and research line C paid attention to the spatial context of the lab. These lines formed the starting point for the research.
In the first research phase (0 measurement), the ambitions envisaged by research lines A and B were mapped and, as part of line C, an initial utilisation and occupancy measurement of the InnovationLab was carried out.
The researchers then dived into the practice of the InnovationLab to investigate the extent to which these ambitions were realised. During this phase, it soon became clear that the three lines of research are inextricably linked. After an overarching analysis, the researchers thus arrived at four core themes that cover all research results and interlink the three research lines.
Under each highlighted bullet, more information can be found on that topic. These include a brief explanation of the research approach, main conclusions and extensive sub-reports and fact sheets. The main findings and the answer to the main research question can be found at the Conclusion.
NB: The full opinion is not disclosed and only accessible to those directly involved.
Throughout the process, COVID-19 has been a major influencing factor, slowing down developments in the InnovationLab and the research process. Nevertheless, the research has continued.