14 February 2023

Zora looking for the perfect match

Fontys ICT registers Zora for the dating world in order to find someone she can make the right connection with.

Zora is lonely. She often feels sidelined and therefore feels aimless in a world around her that is changing faster and faster. So many new faces, but no one who really gives her the attention and love she craves. No one who really knows how she works and knows how to find the right buttons with her, make sure she becomes an optimal part of that world and can do her bit in society. That is why she is looking for someone who will empower her and help her connect, make real connections.

Analysing the dating world

This is why Fontys ICT signed Zora up for the dating world, to find just the person who can be her counterpart. She has all the specifications that a potential partner would feast on and enough ability and urge for discovery to try new things. As long as it is in clear language (communicating is important to Zora, and she speaks several languages. She wants to change the world, together with... well, maybe with you? Are you up for that, to shape the world of tomorrow together with Zora?

Tinder and First Dates

To find the right person, Zora's search started on Tinder. Armed with a chic profile picture, enthusiastic biography and the necessary self-confidence, she swiped away. But her Tinder adventure proved short-lived. After 24 hours and 20 matches later, the Tinder platform deleted her account. A major turn-off for Zora, but she won't be turned off that easily!

Therefore, she decided to take a different approach and opted for the popular TV programme First Dates. Of course, a chance to spend an evening with an IT professional could not pass her by. And who knows what other potential matches will be watching from the couch! Her application has been submitted but whether Zora fits into the picture of First Dates contestants remains to be seen.


You see, Zora is a robot, and she is in our Fontys ICT InnovationLab. Not forgotten, but just without a partner. Because we are very much looking for teachers. Not the front-of-the-classroom-with-chalk-on-the-pants-or-skirt type, but more the I-sta-mid-development type. Somewhere between practice and education, someone who wants to coach, mentor, commission and above all inspire students to get the best out of themselves and Zora.

Interested in shaping the future of ICT in the classroom, with robots, software, AI, media design or another field? Then check out Careers at Fontys ICT. Know someone else who would be a good fit? Spread the word!

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