13 November 2023

What does ChatGPT think about all this fuss?

In the podcast AI Garage, created by a team from Fontys ICT, we have been talking about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) since Fall 2021. That topic became significantly more relevant when in fall 2022 ChatGPT was launched; a publicly accessible generative AI tool for text generation. Hundreds have since been launched, now even personal GPTs. Erdinç Saçan, regular host of the podcast and lecturer/researcher at Fontys ICT, is exploring it daily.

Every day AI

Saçan is fascinated by AI, and that especially what it does to people. He wrote a whole book about itwith (still relevant) views. Every day he experiments with the tools being launched, although trying them all is no longer an option. He also writes articles, gives lectures, and seeks out experts within the AI domain. All to get a grip on the impact of this phenomenon.

Special guest

In the podcast, therefore, we also talk to several experts about the impact of AI on their field. But what if we could talk to the 'main suspect' himself? Now, with some delay, that is possible. This time, a very special guest joined us in the studio for this edition of AI garage: ChatGPT itself. What it/himself had to say about the impact of generative AI on our society, you can hear here.

This podcast was recorded by Litstill in R10's Soundlab. Although the "interview" was recorded in one take, the processing intervals were shortened in editing to provide a better listening experience. The podcast AI Garage is an initiative of Fontys ICT, the lectorate AI & Big Data and the Knowledge Center Applied AI for Society.

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