11 January 2023

Visit Innovations Insight on Thursday 19 January

Fontys ICT students learn through conducting applied research. They do this for and with business partners, which means they learn in practice and apply their knowledge. Every six months, they showcase their results at the Innovations Insight event. The first edition of 2023 will take place on 19 January at 14:00 in the Fontys ICT InnovationLab at Strijp-T.


Students work together with various work field partners, which have united as SPARC (Sharing Platform for Applied Research Co-operation). These partners have joined forces with researcher-teachers to train talent and set up a new way of learning and cooperation within the field. Therefore, there is also representation from both sides in the jury, which will award the best student project with a prize. On the jury are SPARC board chairman Martin Hundepool (Atos), secretary/CIO Maurice van Veghel (Sligro Food Group) and treasurer Johan van den Heuvel (ionbond), in addition to Bart van Gennip, lecturer-researcher and programme manager Research & Innovation in the Fontys ICT InnovationLab. In addition, Monique Esselbrugge, Alderman for Education, Mobility, Downtown and Design district will take a seat on the jury.

Applied research & self-learning professionals

The Fontys ICT InnovationLab brings together the professional field, research and education. This ensures cross-fertilisation and acceleration of ICT innovation by bringing together supply, demand and talent in a hybrid learning environment. After all, more than ever, the ICT professional of tomorrow must be self-learning and able to move with new developments and requirements. By working on research assignments, they develop the skills to enter the professional field as junior professionals.

Innovations Insight is open to the public. However, registration is required and can be done via this link. The event will take place at the Fontys ICT InnovationLab at Strijp-T (Achtseweg Zuid 151C) from 14:00-16:00.

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