13 October 2022

Hybrid learning requires a culture and mindset shift from education and the workplace

Since 2018, the Fontys ICT InnovationLab can be found at Strijp T, in the middle of an ecosystem of innovative companies. The location is a so-called hybrid learning environment, where a new form of education is given. In parallel, a study on the development and impact of this unique learning environment has also been running since 2019. This will be completed on 13 October 2022 and the findings, insights and conclusions will be shared with interested parties.

Hybrid learning in fieldlabs

At several locations, Fontys is experimenting with hybrid learning in so-called fieldlabs; educational locations located near the business community, bringing together education, research and practice through partner collaborations. The advantages seem great; gaining practical experience while learning, finding (and providing) answers to questions from the field and more clout for the growing demand for applied research. Hybrid learning environments thus provide meaningful and authentic education that benefits everyone.


But do ICT students, teachers, researchers and partners also experience this in the largest (and longest-running) Fontys field lab? Jolijn Jansen is a researcher in the research group and endorses the complexity of a hybrid learning environment: "To investigate how a hybrid learning environment develops, you have to look at a lot of facets. Not only the development of that environment, but also the cooperation with partners, the knowledge generated, the learning output of all involved, and how such a learning environment relates to the environment. You examine this not just once, but with a lot of repetition and by being continuously present."

Inspiration for new hybrid learning environments

During the closing event, the results of the research will be shared. The final conclusions are still hard at work, which will be presented with the overall research results in the form of a digital roadmap. Joep Houterman, chairman of the board and Frens Vonken, director Fontys ICT, open the event. Project leader Lilian Croes talks about the course of the research project, after which Jolijn Jansen shares the main conclusions.

According to Jansen, the progressive nature of the Fontys ICT InnovationLab, makes this research interesting for educational innovators inside and outside Fontys who are concerned with hybrid learning environments: "They will recognise many findings in our research, but also find plenty of new insights. It is also super interesting for us to hold the findings from practice against a theoretical light some more. Perhaps some great tips and tools will come out of this that the InnovationLab can make use of. The event therefore offers plenty of room for interaction to exchange as much knowledge as possible. Hybrid learning requires a culture and thinking switch in both education and business, and we have learned that it does not come naturally."

The results of the study will be presented on 13 October 2022. The presentation by Joep Houterman and Frens Vonken will also be followed by a guided tour and interactive programme, around a number of central themes from the research. There will also be ample opportunity to exchange views during a closing drink. Interested parties can register here. Please note, places are limited.

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