24 June 2024

Fontys ICT wins Self Driving challenge

On Friday, June 14, the final of the Self Driving Challenge took place. The past few months, the winning Fontys team consisting of enthusiast students and teachers worked hard on their autonomous vehicle.

The Self Driving Challenge was organised by the RDW. In this unique project, students get the chance to further develop their skills in autonomous driving and to compete with each other. A total of 9 student teams from different colleges and universities competed against each other. The team participated in the first edition of the open category in which they developed their own vehicle and software using AI engineering. After an exciting race at the RDW test track in Lelystad, the autonomous quad finished furthest. Enough for a win, in other words. Watch the aftermovie above (English subtitles available).

About the challenge

The challenge involves realistic traffic scenarios. These include stopping at traffic lights, parking and taking into account a pedestrian crossing the road. The team whose self-driving vehicle completes the tests best and fastest is the winner. The results will allow the SDC to meet the RDW's current knowledge needs. The RDW is an approval and registration authority, regulator and public service provider. The organisation deals with vehicle safety and sustainability; from design to dismantling or export. The Self Driving Challenge aims to gain knowledge about the complexity of autonomous vehicles and the way these vehicles make choices. The outcomes of the student projects will help prepare for a future in which self-driving technology will play an increasing role.

author: Nathalie Verschueren

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