16 June 2023

Experience the future of innovation and creativity at the Fontys ICT Graduation Conference

Fontys ICT is organising the first edition of the Fontys ICT Graduation Conference in Eindhoven and Tilburg from Tuesday 27 June to Thursday 6 July. Graduates will present their final projects to Fontys ICT partners, the ICT field, students, teachers and personally interested parties. So are you curious about innovations in IT in 2023? We look forward to welcoming you at one of our locations.

Graduation projects

Hardware Interfacing, Infrastructure, Software and User Interaction, a small selection of the topics covered during the Graduation Conference. The graduates have worked hard for six months on their graduation projects. They give the judges and other interested parties a better and deeper insight into the assignment and the work they have done. The Graduation Conference is also the actual moment when students have their graduation session and thus receive their final verdict.

The Graduation Conference is an opportunity for Fontys ICT and its students to connect with the rest of the world. In which work field partners, students, teachers and interested parties are invited to attend the presentations.

The Graduation Conference

For ten days, from 27 June to 6 July, graduating students are set to present their projects for the last time. The sessions are public, visitors should register in advance via the website www.graduationconference-fontysict.nl. The Graduation Conference website lists all graduation sessions with date, time and location. The presentations will take place at both the Fontys ICT locations in Eindhoven (R10) and Tilburg (P8).

So: do you want to witness the future of innovation and creativity? Then mark the Fontys ICT Graduation Conference in your calender!

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