15 January 2021

Dare the Future during ICT in Practice 2021

Thursday, February 4, 2021, the 4th edition of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences ICT (FHICT) symposium ICT in Practice (IIP) will take place. This is the event for and by students, teachers, lectorates, researchers and partners (Partners in Innovation/Education), where knowledge and research results in ICT innovation are shared. This edition, with the theme "Dare The Future", is entirely online.

Dare the Future

The global pandemic has accelerated many digital developments. This is leading to more intensive application of ICT solutions and demand for innovations, which are facing new challenges. The applied research, which is carried out within the InnovationLab at FHICT, focuses on finding solutions. "Dare The Future" is therefore the theme of this symposium, where issues from domains such as Robots, Applied Games, Digital Communities, Human Capital, Data & Software Services and Artificial Intelligence will be addressed. Each more relevant and urgent in a world at (digital) distance. FHICT is committed to practice-oriented education based on current research questions from the ICT field. IIP is the annual moment for stakeholders and interested parties in ICT education and research, especially in these times, to come together and exchange knowledge, insights and inspiration.

InnovationLab at Strijp TQ

This year IIP takes place online. Of course, we would prefer to receive you at our physical location at Strijp TQ, the beating heart of IIP. This is where FHICT is located since 2018 with the FHICT InnovationLab; a location for unique education and research, which embodies Fontys' transition to a knowledge institution. Here, students, teachers and researchers work together with partners from the business community on a new form of knowledge exchange within the Brainport and Midpoint region. IIP is the event where FHICT unlocks and shares knowledge and results from the various projects with a growing network of practitioners and stakeholders within technology and innovation.

Program and participation

Want to know more or register directly? Participation in the symposium is free and open to everyone.

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