13 December 2022

Can plants talk? With IoT solutions, they can!

IoT (Internet of Things) solutions make it easier to automate. OpenRemote is an organisation with a platform, which makes this possible and they were looking for a showcase for their product. Students Nina Taken and Mihaela Aleksandrova took up the challenge and came up with a playful, interactive solution that allows you to monitor and 'talk' to plants.

Building Automation

IoT means making devices or objects 'smart' by equipping them with sensors that collect data. The OpenRemote platform makes the use of that data easier and convenient for, for example, building automation. Think of already known solutions like automatically closing awnings, or switching on lights, but much more can be done with this, of course. The trick is to figure out what kind of applications are possible. Within the Fontys ICT InnovationLab, students are challenged to take on such challenges in a learning environment where research, education and work practice meet. In this case, Nina and Mihaela were looking for an interactive, 'fun' experience demonstrating the possibilities.

Talking plants

Researchers have now found out that plants actually communicate with each other. Whether we can ever interact with them in the future remains to be seen, but we know that plants have some basic needs that sensors can pick up on. Plant Pal is a solution that makes it easy to check the status of your plants, by talking to the system. With a little creativity, you can also make those interactions more fun.

In the video, Nina talks more about it from her internship location in the middle of Strijp-S; the Natlab, Philips' former research site:

This project is a collaboration with OpenRemote and the Natlab.

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