22 June 2023

AI Garage podcast celebrates tenth episode and looks back (and forward)

No fewer than ten episodes have now been put online of the Fontys ICT podcast AI garage, the podcast about everything to do with artifical intelligence. Guests with diverse expertise joined the R10 studio to share their knowledge and expertise. Because ten is a beautiful number, it was also a moment to look back and share experiences.

Different world

When filming for the first episodes, artificial intelligence was still mostly something of techies, scientists and, ahead, science fiction. That has since changed considerably. This has everything to do with the entrance of generative AI, which everyone is talking about, but remarkably few people have a real grasp of. What does it mean and why should we use it (especially in education)? These are the kinds of questions, which AI Garage is all about.


Host Erdinç Saçan constantly immerses himself in technology and the new possibilities, questions and challenges that arise, and this time crawls into the role of guest. Behind the scenes, Guido Segers normally works on the podcast, often taking on pre-production. As guest-host, this time he asks the questions. So together they go into the studio, to look back at ten episodes. But they also look ahead, and discuss which questions are still unanswered or may have arisen from what we learnt in previous editions, in which we talked to guests from healthcare, linguistics, business and much more. Or just new questions or untapped topics: what does an immersive VR environment do to us when AI becomes the driver? How does AI touch the arts and the role of the artist? You can hear what they would like to know more about and what has been learned, in the special edition of AI Garage.

Listen to the podcast here!

Erdinç Saçan is a regular host at AI Garage and a lecturer-researcher at Fontys ICT. He also wrote the book 'Inclusive Artificial Intelligence'. Guido Segers is a communication advisor at Fontys ICT and a lecturer.

The podcast AI Garage is an initiative of Fontys ICT, the lectorate AI & Big Data and the Knowledge Centre Applied AI for Society.

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