22 March 2024

A Successful Celebration at Master Fontys ICT

Tuesday, March 19 was a special day for the Master of Applied IT at Fontys ICT: the very first students of the master's program graduated. Exactly one year after the start of the brand-new master's program, coordinator Nico Kuijpers reflects on a successful first year. "To be fair, it was occasionally a bit of a search for us too."

On February 7, 2023, the first students started the master's track within Fontys ICT. Coordinator Nico Kuijpers said, "We launched the master for two reasons: there was a demand from the industry for more IT professionals in the region, and at the same time, there was a great desire from students to delve deeper into their own expertise. We designed the master in such a way that both demands were met."

However, not everything was immediately clear. Nico remarked, "To be fair, it was occasionally a bit of a search for us too. Because what is a Master of Applied IT exactly? What sets us apart is that it's not a master's that delves deep into one profile. All five profiles of ICT can start and broaden within the program. That's a unique feature, which you don't often find in master's programs. But it can be quite puzzling at times. However, one nice aspect of these five profiles is that students with different backgrounds can collaborate within the context of their own research."

Added Value

The added value of a master's goes beyond just the diploma you receive at the end. Nico explained, "After completing the Master of Applied IT, you're better prepared to conduct innovative, independent, practice-oriented research. You can work in departments where applied research is done, such as the R&D department of companies like ASML or Philips Research. That's really the big difference with the bachelor's program: where you learn to get the job done there, here you learn to explore new possibilities and apply them in new innovations."

Because the full-time master's program spans two semesters (and three in part-time), a careful selection process is essential. Nico stated, "We do this also to prevent disappointments. Students need to work fairly independently. The conceptual level is higher in the master's and research projects are more complex. They have to conduct research, write research papers in both semesters, and also create a portfolio during semester 2. That requires a certain level of dedication. We hear that from students as well: they find the master's very enjoyable, but it's tougher than they expected."

Graduation Ceremony

So, last Tuesday was the very first graduation ceremony. Nico said, "It was a hugely successful event. The graduates, their partners and families, as well as colleagues and some of our current students, were there. Together, we really made it a celebration."

At the graduation ceremony, Nico also received positive feedback from the graduates about the format of the program: "During the year, we had two sessions to gauge how they experienced the program and what we could do better. That was genuinely appreciated, I heard on Tuesday. Also because they noticed that we immediately made adjustments, which they also benefited from. We, in turn, thanked them for making the program better for the next generation. And that's immediately a great example of education: it's never completely 'finished'."

More information about the master's program can be found on the Master of Applied IT website.

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