ICC Realm Cleaner Job Gamification
Open Learning/Innovation
Client company:ICC Realm
Svetlin Andreev
Hristo Tanchev
Irina Ahamad
Luay Shatara
Project description
How can a professional job management system for cleaners be developed, incorporating elements of gamification to improve performance, satisfaction, and skill development?
ICC Realm is an innovative platform that connects customers and cleaners, much like Uber connects drivers and passengers. It allows customers to book and manage cleanings for their homes while enabling cleaners to find and accept cleaning jobs. This project focuses on creating a professional yet engaging job management system for cleaners, using elements of gamification to motivate and reward them for their work.
The result is a functional prototype of a professional cleaners' dashboard, designed as a mobile-first web application with a distributed system backend. This prototype supports cleaners in managing jobs throughout their lifecycle, providing a seamless and intuitive interface. While the gamification strategy has been researched to enhance user engagement and motivation, its implementation remains a future step.
About the project group
We are 4 people - 3 of us focused on software and 1 on user interaction. We have been working on this project for one semester, or around 5 months.