JUMBO Self Checkout & Spot Check Project
Project description
Design a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience to enable customers and employees in Jumbo stores to leave with a smile after the self-checkout, all in line with the 7 certainties of Jumbo.
In this User Experience Design project focused on the retail domain, JUMBO, the second-largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands asked us to evaluate their current approach towards spot checking during self-checkout and to develop a solution that both falls in line with the company's "7 certainties" and ensures a less stressful experience for both staff & customer.
We developed a Figma flow of an improved version of the self-checkout process incorporating concepts part of the two themes we explored: rewarding and informing.
Informing: we explored a different communication style in the store signage, making use of autonomy-supportive wording to cultivate empathy. This is done in an effort to communicate to customers that spot checks are a normal part of the store process, and not a burden on them.
Rewarding: We pitched a new, gamified reward system that can be tightly integrated with the existing Jumbo Loyalty system, where customers are rewarded points/free products after every successful spot check.