Party Morph
Game Design and Technology
Client company:Dogfood Studios
Aaron Dekker
Brandon Jongen
Danny den Ouden
Felix Vluggen
Fiona Iancu
Markus Šimkevičius
Mathijs Janssen
Rick Janssen
Robin Adriaensen
Sam Bos
Viggo Kavermann
Project description
PartyMorph is a four player party game that is set on an alien planet where a race called the Minimorphians hold their yearly presidential elections. The Minimorphians have a unique take on elections. Instead of talking about boring stuff, they have a yearly reality TV show where the candidates partake in a set of challenges to try and win votes. Unlike humans, this alien race is extremely impulsive and will base their vote on the silliest things. The Minimorphians also have the ability to terraform entire planets and can simulate specific environments for their elections. Because they are so impulsive, this often leads to very dangerous situations.
Local PvP party game.
We created a fun party game that brings friends together.