Instruction support for Fontys disassembly line
ICT & Technology
Twan Derks
Quinn Esselbrugge
Lucas van Lippen
Nathalie Westerweele
Project description
The problem that this project intends to solve is that most people are either unaware of the still usable materials inside end-of-life electronics, or they do not know how to properly get it out. Because of this, these products are just thrown away without reusing or recycling the components.
In the modern world most people are either unaware of the still usable materials inside end-of-life electronics, or they do not know how to properly remove them. As a result, these products are just thrown away without reusing or recycling the (still valuable) components.
Object detection can be used to create disassembly instructions, that can be viewed using a HoloLens 2.