PSV PowerApps
Data Driven Business Lab
Client company:PSV
Mitchel Lemmens
Koen van der Linden
Rick Perrenet
Project description
The main question:
How can PSV put one Excel worksheet into their new database, with a connection between the database and a Model Driven Development application, so data can be saved, loaded, and changed on different devices?
This basically means the project group digitalized the current anthropometric data while creating a manageable solution for inputting new anthropometric data. Multiple low code tools were researched in this project to advise the best option. The users that are going to use the new solution have a different range in ICT knowledge. Therefore, the solution needs to be monkey proof.
Currently PSV measures all kinds of anthropometric data and record this in Excel. This data is used in tableau to gain insights in the development of players. The problem PSV faces are that the Excel expanded overtime. At a certain point PSV could not guarantee the data quality, because they had no input control or some sort of overview on the data. They wanted to have a more manageable solution to implement into their process. The solution needed to be as quick and easy to use as the Excel sheet, while also having control of the input such as ranges and strange values.
PSV is becoming an organization that relies more and more on predictions and decisions with the use of data. This will help the overall data quality and is a good step forward for a mature data (infra)structure.
This resulted in a project with multiple deliverables. First the group started setting up a project plan that defined the outlines of this project. After that we continued doing global research on low code tools and the best way for PSV to migrate their current Excel to a database. This research contained the options Sharepoint Lists, Microsoft Azure and an on-premises solution. The research used the input of the literature study and the choise for the best option originated from the requirements that have been collected by interviewing different persons from PSV and analyzing the current Excel sheet.
Because working in sprint the project group showed the progress every 2 weeks. During these sessions the focus could be adjusted based on the progress and decisions made by the PSV team. After that the development of the low code app started. The functionalities have been constantly adjusted during the biweekly meetings.
For fulfilling the wishes the project group did 2 tests. A data combination test and a usability test. These tests gave positive results back and the last steps have been implemented before delivering the app to PSV.
Most of the formulated questions were easy to answer. An in-depth research on the possibilities and a test on which option is the best choice. Therefore, most of the used research items were studies outside of the project context. Testing requirements was mostly done inside of the context. When needed extra input from outside of the context is needed. Therefore, when researching items, we always looked at what kind of input we are getting. Is it from inside of outside of the context? Then get more information/assurance from the opposite option.
About the project group
The PSV PowerApps project group consists of 3 members called Mitchel, Koen and Rick. 2 of these students are ICT & Business students, while the other is a psychology student. We started working on this project the first week of September. This continued for 20 weeks till the fourth of February. Within these weeks we created a PowerApp for PSV to create and update anthropometric data.
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