IoT Security in Home Network
ICT & Cyber Security
Project description
The question we wanted to answer was: How can the security of home networks be improved by reducing the risks of IoT devices?
The goal was to research how and if IoT/Smart devices affect the security and privacy of home networks. It was investigated how these devices can negatively impact security and privacy in home networks. Based on this, solutions and recommendations were given to solve this problem and reduce the risks of IoT devices.
We made an advice for internet service providers and an advice for home users on how to mitigate the risks of IoT devices.
Based on our main question we came up with sub-questions. By answering these sub-questions we were able to answer our main research question and able to come up with an advice for internet service providers and home users.
About the project group
We are a group of students studying cyber security at Fontys. Our group consists of students following the Software, Technology and Business stream.