IoT Security Analysis
ICT & Cyber Security
Andreas Damen
Petya Slavcheva
Martijn Jager
Tim van Caulil
Mohamed Azaouag
Mauricio Payne
Project description
Main research question:
How do modern IoT devices influence the security of a smart in-home network?
SIDN (Stichting Internet Domein Nederland) is a non-profit organization that manages the “.nl” domains in the Netherlands and is one of the stakeholders of this project. SIDN is becoming active within the network security field. They aim to improve security and privacy in home networks.
We concluded that IoT devices influence the security of smart in-home networks in a lot of different ways. One of the most common vulnerabilities is the lack of ease when it comes to implementing solutions for found vulnerabilities within the systems. Besides that, some devices make calls to suspicious DNS servers. Even when they are completely up to date.
Our conclusion is that, if the devices are kept up to date and the network is secured, IoT devices can be a significant improvement for each in-home network. Even if they pose a bigger security risk than other common devices. If they are managed correctly, these risks can be mitigated.
During the project, the Development Oriented Triangulation (D.O.T.) framework was used for conducting research. The D.O.T. framework provides a methodical approach that increased the reliability and validity of the research.