How can Zaya Men achieve new customers
Digital Marketing
Client company:Zaya Men
Annicke Kleve
Cody de Leeuw
Nadia Belkjar
Sven Dierkx
Sterre Breed
Fatima Fernandes de Freitas
Project description
For the minor in Digital Marketing, the assignment was given to research for Zaya Men how they can attract customers as a new company. The main question that has been formulated is: "How can Zaya introduce the new industry, men's jewelry in the best possible way?"
For the minor in Digital Marketing, the assignment was given to research for Zaya Men how they can attract customers as a new company. The main question that has been formulated is: "How can Zaya introduce the new industry, men's jewelry in the best possible way?"
During the project, we as a group focused on the main question, how Zaya Men can attract new customers. The focus is on socials, corporate identity, SEO, and other peripheral matters to bring this to a total picture. We then participated in various tests among the target group, so that we had proof that it actually works within the studied target group.
We have developed the validity and reliability of the research at Zaya Men into knowledge from the workshops given within the Minor Digital Marketing. In addition, by means of research among the target group and certificates obtained. We have been able to explain how reliability is. We also gained access to files and access to the company, which enabled us to measure validity and substantiate the analysis.
About the project group
It's been 15 weeks of research, workshops. It was sometimes a learning curve on how to accomplish certain areas during the project for Zaya Men. Everyone had a different background, so it was a very versatile group of young professionals.