Open Learning Semester
Aliyah Eghaghe
Martijn Verwijmeren
Martijn van der Linden
Project description
The research question for this project was: How do you encourage students to summarize the findings of a feedback meeting with their studycoach?
The context of the project is education. In the educational domain it's really important for students to know where they stand regarding their personal development.
Some schools have weekly meetings for students with their studycoachers where these subjects will be mentioned. In these meetings it's important for both student and teacher to get a good view of the standings of the student.
The result of this project is an online tool which can be used by students to save their feedback. By answering short closed questions for the speed but also some more open questions to get the core of the feedback given by the coach. The coaches can verify the feedback entered by the student so both student and teacher agree with the feedback.
At first we've deepened ourselfs with the stated problem. After that we've brainstormed to come up with multiple ideas. We have presented these ideas to our teachers and our target audience. With the outcomes we've created 1 single concept which in the end has grown to Eddy. To ensure our prototype is suitable for our target audience, we have tested this prototype with a group of 6 students.