Lecturer markets labels to signify AI usage
AI, almost everyone uses it. But how? To what extent? And how do you let your lecturer, your colleague, your client, your client know? Fontys lecturer Rens van der Vorst came up with a solution: he designed special labels to make the degree of AI allocation clear at a glance.
Van der Vorst, also known to the Fontys community as a columnist for Bron, has come up with creative solutions to digital issues before. For instance, he came up with the ‘human-friendly’ Ceptcha as an alternative to Captcha. ‘Worldwide, there are 192 websites working with that now,’ said Van der Vorst.
Now he has come up with MMM labels, where MMM stands for Me and My Machine. ‘With this idea, I hope for a much bigger global standard than Ceptcha. I think this is very important and that's why I created it.’