Minigame Enversed Murder Mystery
Project description
We did a project for Enversed. We were tasked to make a minigame for them to use in a murder mystery escape room. We brainstormed over a lot of different ideas and together with Enversed came up with a minigame.
Envesed tasked us with making a minigame for on a tablet that would be playable in a new murder mystery escape room they are developing. They will use our final product as a way to user test and get feedback from players in the scope that they have set for the escape room.
We make a Minigame in Unity, With dimentions of a tablet in mind as final product. We also have a lot of research and ideas in a backlog they got scraped because we either didnt like it that much or it would take up to much time.
About the project group
We are a group of 5 guys who all have done ICT & Software in the past. We all are pretty good in working with c# and know how we create (web)applications. Our teamwork is one of our best qualities as a group and we are proud of this.