HALBY Virtual Agent
Minor Data Driven Business Lab
Client company:HLB
Davis Boland
Amin Abou Sena
Mihail Klinos
Project description
Main Research Question: How can HLB improve HALBY 3.0 using Microsoft Power Platform?
In this case "HALBY 3.0" is an older version of the chatbot that we are trying to improve. This project is about "HALBY 4.0" where the improvements to the chatbot are actually realized. HLB wanted to improve the automation of their processes already done with HALBY 3.0. HALBY 4.0 helps them to solve that. We try to improve the chatbot(or virtual agent)and its interaction with the employees so that HLB is one step closer to their automation goals.
As a financial consultancy firm HLB Witlox van den Boomen has several clients that they must provide their service to. To provide these services they must have several different employees and departments. Now for each client and department several forms or documents may be processed. This has been a difficulty for HLB. An employee would spend a lot of time manually trying to choose and find a specific form that they would need. This would be an issue since this time could possibly be allocated to other tasks and enable efficient working. In recognizing the growing benefits of ICT, more specifically, Microsoft Power Agents, HLB would like to find a way to automate this process.
The most important products of our project are as follows:
-Automated HALBY solution within Power Platform
-Dashboard based on HALBY interactions
The other products are documentation such as a research document and advice document. Though these are also very necessary, the products listed above are an actual realization of the insights the client can receive. With these products the client can visibly see how the solution may look like and can decide for themselves if this is how they want to go about their goals.
About the project group
We are a sub group of Team Alpha from the DDBL Minor. Each of us within the sub group are from different courses: ICT & Business, Business Administration and Electrical Engineering. The HALBY project ran from February to June 2023 where we delivered documents and a solution to the client.