Dynamic Commenting in PowerBI
ICT & Software Engineering
Client company:BDO Holding B.V.
Joan Krastanov
Neyko Neykov
Kosara Stoyanova
Noah Greff
Katrin Tarneva
Project description
Investigate the possibilities for applying commenting within PowerBI. The comments should be stored in a database (for example SQL). BDO requires us to use .Net as a back-end language for this project, because it integrates best with already existing Microsoft services. Through research and interviews with BDO employees our team can gain in-depth information on how comments should look like and what requirements and functionalities are needed for the usage of commenting in PowerBI (e.g., creating, managing, deleting, etc.).
Although PowerBI provides numerous advantages, PowerBI also has its limitations. One of the limitations is to provide comments and/or feedback on specific visuals and data. Mostly, dashboards are used by multiple users; the possibility to add comments can offer explanation or feedback on why certain data is in its form. For example, a customer can provide comments on why its revenue in specific months is higher or lower than the average is. Commenting could make collaboration for reporting a whole lot easier.
Commenting functionality for PowerBI dashboards where users can leave comments on specific pages and visuals and their collegues can also view the comments, reply to them and visualize the fitered data that the initial comment was created on.