Digitalize the way of working of De Heren van Werk
ICT & Business
Client company:De Heren van Werk
Aleksandar Stoyanov
Izabella Bogdanova
Nicolas Brandes
Maaike Mallee
Lars Rijsdijk
Thijs Verhoeven
Achraf Yahiaoui
En-Ruo Lin
Edin Karahodza
Loek Hamers
Project description
The objective of this project was to digitalize the way of working of the client company. Since they started recently, there is almost no automation in their workflow. With the help of J Solutions, they will now implement a CRM system, which will keep track of all the needed information and will provide insights and structure that was not existent before
The domain of this project is Business Automation / Optimization. The client company is focusing on mentoring professionals in order to perform better, get hired quicker and over all have a pleasant professional life. De Heren van Werk even provides LinkedIn coaching. Even with all these operations in place, the structure of the company before the interference of J Solutions was not applaudable. Invoices and important information was kept on local devices, there was no automation in place and everything was done manually.
The most important results of this project is to automate the company's working environment, provide them with a solution that would also allow the company to scale up and eventually prepare De Heren van Werk for future orientation. J Solutions strikes to help the company with their multi-step advice and assist them in becoming more structured, profitable and scalable.
About the project group
J Solutions ( the name of our group) is a team with people from multiple nations. The thing that brought us together is our study - ICT & Business. The ten of us have been working on two projects for the duration of this semester ( 18 weeks). The team followed an Agile-Scrum adapted working methodology.