Maze Mayhem
Minor XR Design
Robbert Lengton
Ruud Willemse
Daniël Bouman
Project description
Design a VR-based interactive experience to enable teenagers to participate in an absurd
simulated maze experiment in a futuristic world with maximum entertainment value and
suspenseful challenges.
This project was ment as a learning experience of VR for us, since we wanted to learn the art of VR, how it works and how to use it. This project however isn't linked to any stakeholder, other than ourselves.
We have a vertical slice of the game. This includes: A starting scene (with story introduction), a game studio, the VR Game Show Hub and the jungle section.
We have tested the prototype with teenagers as well as other students from school. The feedback generally was positive and we got valuable feedback regarding different ways to make the experience feel more like a real (VR) experience.
About the project group
We are Sneaky Kiwi Productions, a group of 3 students who love to design and create fun/ entertaining games. Including this project, we have worked together for a year now, previously developing the game Hexaguard.