Shortening emergency response time
Minor Data Driven Business Lab
Client company:Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord
Fazeel Azam
Aleksander Stoyanov
Loek Hamers
Project description
Employees of Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord have difficulties with overviewing the data that they receive from all their divisions.
The main research question and sub questions are:
Main Question:
How can VRNL optimize their overview process to shorten the response time with emergencies?
Sub Questions:
What is the current overview process of VRNL?
What are the inefficiencies in the current state of the process?
What kind of requirements and constraints are necessary for the solution?
What is the desired state of the overview process?
How can the solution be strategically aligned with the goals of the organization?
How will the insights from the solution be validated?
How can Team A provide an advice that will help VRNL with implementing the Proof-of-Concept?
Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord is a regional safety organization, located in the northern part of Limburg, the Netherlands. This organization is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the region’s residents and coordinating emergency response efforts.
Employees of Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord have difficulties with overviewing the data that they receive in all their divisions. The current overviewing process is long-winded and unclear. Because of this, there is room for mistakes or late reactions to emergencies
For this project, Team A from C Solutions has the freedom to present possible solutions to VRNL to optimize their current process. There will be research conducted with a research report to find and determine possible solutions for VRNL to optimize the process. Based on the answered research questions, there will be an advice conducted for the client company and used to create the Implementation Plan and Proof-of-Concept. Within the Research Report, Implementation Plan and Proof-of-Concept, it will also be worked on different sub-products.
Team A inspires to shorten the response time for emergencies that VRLN usually takes by providing them an easier way to overview insights.
The solution should be simple and easy for users. Team A will deliver a proof-of-concept as a power BI dashboard, later on team A will provide a python script to connect it to Topdesk. Besides that as mentioned an implementation plan will be provided with steps to follow so the product fits their working environment and organizational strategies.
About the project group
Alexander Stoyanov and Loek Hamers both have an ICT background, as they are both studying ICT & Business. Fazeel Azam the third member of team A is studying industrial engineering & management. Team A prefers to spit tasks regarding the project. Since one member of the group is doing a study outside of ICT, the other group members also play a helping role within the group. There is also no financial budget involved within the project, the only budget is Time. Team A works a 40-hour workweek for one semester.