Axians AI Solution
Minor Data Driven Business Lab
Client company:Axians
Heather van Diemen
Maxwell Ernst
Joan Krastanov
Project description
The main challenge of the Axians AI Solutions project is creating a smart AI chatbot that swiftly and accurately answers user questions across various administrative areas. This involves optimizing performance, managing costs, and ensuring data security. The research question centers on how to strike a balance between building a powerful AI solution and gaining insights, with a focus on user experience rather than immediate profits. The goal is to make administrative tasks more efficient using AI while addressing concerns related to cost-effectiveness and data protection. The project aims to leverage the OpenAI API, but other options are being explored to ensure the best fit for the specific requirements.
The Axians AI Solutions project focuses on simplifying tasks in different business areas like HR, finance, inventory, and customer interactions. The goal is to create a smart AI chatbot that quickly answers user questions, making it easier for people to handle administrative tasks. For example, it helps with HR tasks such as resource planning, finance tasks like understanding profit and loss statements, and managing inventory data. By using AI, the project aims to improve how people interact with and get insights from administrative systems, making day-to-day operations smoother across various industries.
Our Axians AI Solutions project hit some important milestones that make it really valuable. First off, we managed to include a whopping 30 thousand documents into the chatbot. How did we do it? Well, we used Pinecone to organize all that information. Pinecone helps the chatbot find similarities between questions and documents, and then it generates answers based on what it finds. Now, when the chatbot locates documents related to a question, it doesn't stop at text. It also shows all the images connected to those documents.
Why is this a big deal? Using Pinecone and the similarity approach means the chatbot can understand questions better and provide more accurate and relevant answers. It's like having a super-smart assistant that quickly digs through a massive amount of information to find exactly what you need. And adding images to the mix makes the responses even more helpful and engaging.
In terms of validation, successfully bringing in Pinecone and making the chatbot work so well proves that our project is not just a concept—it's a real, effective solution. It shows that our technology is not just up to industry standards; it's ahead of the curve.
Looking at TRLevel (Technology Readiness Level), our project has reached an advanced stage. Pinecone, along with our other technologies, puts us in a league where we're not just keeping up with the latest, but we're setting new standards. The chatbot's ability to pull in documents in real-time and respond intelligently puts it in a high-tech category ready for real-world use.
To put it simply, we've made our chatbot really smart by using Pinecone, making it fantastic at finding information and giving spot-on responses. This success not only proves our project works but also shows that we're at the forefront of technology in creating advanced AI solutions.