ICT & Software Engineering
Client company:Startlent / Midpoint Brabant
Kevin Sentjens
Niek Scheepens
Marian Salceda
Omar Abou Dehn
Roel Stam
Julian Janssen
Project description
Our main research question is "How can the onboarding process be made more engaging to the users?". The main challenge in our project is to make the typically mundane tasks of the onboarding process engaging and fun for students.
Midpoint Brabant is the link between businesses, educational and knowledge institutions, governments, and civil society organizations in the Midden-Brabant region. Starlent is a project made by Midpoint Brabant to connect students with organizations, education, and government institutions
We made significant changes to the overall aesthetics of the application. We updated the logo and redesigned the look and feel to make it more cozy.
Additionally, we created a 'helper' that guides users through the onboarding process and features of the application.
About the project group
We spent 2 times a week on the project. We worked in with sprints and each sprint we divided our tasks.