ICT & Open Learning/Innovation
Client company:Fontys Student+
Michel Meulen
Tycho de Laat
Rick Janssen
Vid Barbaro
Project description
Introducing TopicTimer, the ultimate smartwatch and mobile app combination designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life, serving as both a time management wizard and a personalized self-evaluation tool. This dynamic duo is here to revolutionize the way you approach tasks, boost motivation and productivity.
Aligned with the EdTech minor, this project is dedicated to education. The TopicTimer is crafted explicitly for students aiming to enhance their planning skills. Our key stakeholder, Student+, is an organization committed to aiding students in improving their planning abilities and overall well-being.
In crafting the neurodivergent-friendly UI for the TopicTimer and being able to change lots of settings on the smartwatch, customization is key. Tailoring features like feedback settings on the watch, clear icons, and flexible topic customization ensures the interface caters to diverse preferences. This personalized approach not only makes TopicTimer accessible but also enhances the overall user experience, making it a great tool for neurodivergent students.
About the project group
Meet the brilliant minds behind the TopicTimer device – a collaborative effort driven by the ingenuity of four exceptional software- and technology-ICT students. This team, united by a passion for innovation and a shared vision for improving education, embarked on a journey during the full time Fontys-ICT EdTech minor in a SCRUM matter to create a device that would redefine the way we manage our time and get the most out of every single day.