Smartfloor Reception for CoE Health
ICT & Game Design and Technology
Client company:CoE Health
Joey van den Bogaart
Andrei Crăciun
Yannick Gorissen
Mihail Hristov
Iasonas Karnaros-Witkamp
Jort Ottenheijm
Project description
Fontys Centre of expertise Health is a public-private partnership with Slimmer Leven, Pharos, GGD-BZO, Transvorm, Fontys Mens en Gezondheid and Fontys Paramedic. They stand for giving everyone a fair chance to a healthy life, they want health and care to be feasible and affordable. Recently they have been placed in R12, one of the new buildings at the Rachelsmolen campus, and they need to give extra use to the reception area. They have planned on 4 different zones in the reception area: information zone (front desk), workspace, waiting room and a “moving zone” .
The game has to be played on the Embedded Fitness SmartWall and it should be made in Unity, because the package that interacts with the hardware is for Unity. A theme of health should be central in the game, because the client has wished for this.
Soon, a SmartWall setup from Embedded Fitness will be hung from the ceiling, displaying on the floor so it would be a “SmartFloor”. Currently Embedded fitness only has games that work with the SmartWall, so there are no games to be played on the floor yet. The goal of the project is to create a game to be played on the floor that will inspire visitors of R12 to become active and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Doodle dodge is a single or cooperative obstacle evasion and collection game where you try to get the highest score possible in a frantic field of obstacles. By moving around on the screen, you will be able to dodge the obstacles yourself while trying to collect points to get the highest score. Try to avoid the obstacles so you don’t die and see how long you can go.
About the project group
We are a group of students from Fontys ICT in our 4th semester at Game Design&Technology specialization. We were tasked with an industry project for CoE Health that involves inspiring people to move using technology from technology made by Embedded Fitness Company.