Observing students Task Focus Time
ICT & Creative Technology
Client company:ROC Tilburg, PIT
Tom Derks
Anouk Wijnen
Daan Matheeuwsen
Kaloyan Yanev
Dion van Litsenburg
Project description
The main challenge was to create a solution that could measure the increase in motivation of a student. Motivation is a complex thing that can not be easily measured or observed. So after lots of concepting we and our client decided to shift focus to the focus time of students. Creating a tool for teachers to easily observe and log the differences in students focus over time. Using their own observations and technical support systems that monitor all kinds of behavioral data from the student the teacher can come to a conclusion regarding the students focus time.
At PIT (a research department at ROC Tilburg) they research new and upcoming interactive technologies that cold be used to enhance their teaching methods. Which should result in motivated students and increases in both ease of learning and educational results. Teachers can develop and test their ideas to see if they are beneficial for this goal. But the testing of the projects proved to be difficult, as their was no predetermined testing strategy, hence our project.
The most important outcome is an advise and vision how testing interactive technologies can be done in such a way that a teacher can easily validate the results from their project. For this we have a supporting prototype that focusses on observation methods for the teachers, but also a combination of a heartbeat sensor, eye/gaze tracker and a posture tracker. Which help with unbiased feedback for the teacher to compare with his own observations.
About the project group
We are a group of 6 with different backgrounds in either software or media design. We worked on this project for around 15 weeks. At Creative Technology we spent a lot of time developing an impactful vision and creating innovative concepts. Our way of working and group reflect this, we spent a lot of time trying to create a solution and advice that fits our and our clients interests best