ICT & Creative Technology
Client company:GroupM
Ruben Zwinkels
Emiel Pols
Lars Hoeijmans
Luuk Hendriks
Project description
We aim to combine multiple human response sensors, such as emotional tracking via facial Emotion Detection, Heartrate monitors, Eye Tracking, and EEG (electroencephalograph) sensors, to collect accurate data from users as they view marketing materials. By leveraging AI algorithms, we can integrate data from all sensors and generate comprehensive reports on the effectiveness of each marketing piece for each tester. After this data collection, we could even iterate using generative AI to utilize the data.
This project is for a marketing company
For this project, we want to focus on realizing an interactive demo that people can experience and use to answer the question "How can we gain more insight into data from user testing"
About the project group
We are 4 students Creative technology with various backgrounds ranging from Media, Software, and Technology. This project is one we have worked on for the duration of 9 weeks