Simac Digital Coffee corner
Minor Digital Experience Design
Client company:Simac
Simone Geurtz
Tanmay Kulkarni
Daan van de Snepscheut
Tiia Makinen
Project description
After an employee survey conducted by Simac, the company found out that employees are experiencing problems with communication within the company. Based on the results of the survey, they want to improve the communication. We were given the opportunity to dive deeper into this problem and look for a solution to help improve the communication across the different departments within Simac.
This project was conducted as a collaboration between Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Simac. The project was divided into three phases, sprints, that consisted of the research phase, concept phase, and design phase.
Simac supplies and maintains high-quality technology at medium and large organizations to improve business processes in the areas of Information Technology and Smart Solutions. The company was founded in 1971 by Mac van Schagen and today they have a total of 1400 employees across the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, England, and the Czech Republic. Simac consists of several subcompanies that all operate under Simac Techniek NV within the Benelux and Central Europe. Simac is a family business that values their employees by providing them an opportunity to grow within the business and be themselves.
The final product is an interactive Figma desktop prototype. We found that most people struggle with finding the correct information. Also keeping the documentation on one place is something that could be improved on. As people work remotely and on location, it could be hard to know who works where and when. This was a struggle during everyday working tasks.
About the project group
The project took ten weeks. The group is a mix of different ICT students (Media and Software). We have members from Finland, India and the Netherlands. The age range of our group is 21-28 age old.