Gemeente Eindhoven using sensor data
Minor Data Driven Business Lab
Client company:Gemeente Eindhoven
Project description
How can sensordata, collected in public spaces, help gemeente Eindhoven to raise data acceptance among the citizens of Eindhoven
The four sub-questions for the project are:
What is data acceptance?
What is the meaning of data acceptance for municipality of Eindhoven?
Main research question
How can Gemeente Eindhoven notice their citizens of the data that is collected to increase acceptance?
How can the data gathered from Inzicht Verlicht, public data from and open data be useful to raise acceptance?
The municipality of Eindhoven wants to be more transparent with the data they collect from the citizens. Our group is focusing on enlightening the citizen about the sensor data that is collected by the municipality of Eindhoven. With this document, our group excepts to inform the municipality what they can expect of our project group.
The project revolves around researching ways to get citiziens of the municipality of Eindhoven to accept the use of sensors and data gathered in the public space. This is valuable intel for the municipality that can be used in data driven policies.
We created a dashboard that gives the employees of gemeente Eindhoven insight in the crossroad next to Fontys Rachelsmolen. The dashboard can be used to give insight in the crossroad and how citizens can use data to guide their comute to work. Because not all citizens will accept that their data will be used, so we also researched data acceptance how to raise it.
About the project group
We worked as a team on the whole project/ Devided tasks and working scrum. Our team background is 2x IT students, 1 finance and control student and 1 business student. We spent a total of 17 weeks on this project.