Enterprise Architecture card game
ICT & Software Engineering
Client company:Atos
Kevin Mout
Eli Brouwers
Lucas Bingley
Niek Scheepens
Aniek Vos
Project description
The goal of the project was to finish and improve upon the project that has been delivered by previous semesters project group in terms of security and scalability.
We decided to create a new prototype backend using an event driven architecture with Kafka which we decided to fully commit to about halfway through the semester.
We could reuse some of the frontend code but had to restructure and add a lot to implement all functionality and meet our needs.
The product we have been working on is a game meant to be played with a board of directors or other high ranking employees in a company.
The goal of the game is to give insight into how the company and individual employees prefer to work (colour based operation models).
If there is a difference in the preferences between the employees this could mean that some optimization is needed.
The main goal and thus our most important result is that the game is working.
It is playable and the results are displayed to the players and game master.
We also implemented authentication and some security features.
The game would have been deployed on a server at Atos but we did not end up doing this because of possible security risks/hacking.
Instead we settled for a solution where the game is hosted on a laptop and can be played by joining a local wifi network.
About the project group
All group members are currently students in semester 6 of software development at Fontys.
We have several different backgrounds and specialisations e.g. AI, cyber security or academic preparation.
We have been working in an agile way with daily standups and sprint retrospectives to improve our process. We use a sprint board in Jira in order to manage our tasks and progress.
We have been working on this project for 16 weeks now and have one week left to finish some documentation and deployment.