ICT & Software Engineering
Client company:Dinner In Motion
Kristin Peneva
Jordan Radushev
Jaklin Yanakieva
Aleksander Gekov
Branimir Sandalski
Project description
The use of numerous systems and platforms for the proper functioning of Dinner in Motion is proving to be time-consuming and inefficient. It required a lot of duplicate manual work, which is highly error-prone and creates a complex and cumbersome working process.
Currently, the client does not have a uniform way of viewing the number of reservations, waiting lists, expenses, and profit. Everything is being done either through numerous platforms or through excel sheets. To solve this problem and introduce a more automated and user-friendly way of tracking these statistics, the DynamicDash project has been started. The goal of the project is to create a low-code application that would offer the management a way to track various information and perform daily tasks through one platform. That would lead to more efficient and sustainable work performance.
During the Corona crisis retail and restaurants experienced major setbacks and it has become evident that these sectors are less crisis-resistant. That is why it is vital to give the opportunity to entrepreneurs to take ownership and grow in resilience through digital transformation with a focus on data-driven decisions. In order to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the Drive SME project was started.
DRIVE stands for Sustainable Regional Innovative & Resilient Ecosystem. Together with MindLabs, Fontys Hogeschool ICT, ROC Tilburg, Binnestand Management Tilburg, and Appsemble, local SMEs could be assisted in the digital transformation of the company and could be provided with the necessary knowledge that this change entails.
One of these clients, which is looking for an improved and automated working process is Dinner In Motion. Currently, the client uses various systems and platforms that are not connected to one another and require a great deal of manual work to ensure that everything is updated. Dinner in Motion does not have a way of viewing specific statistics regarding its business, for instance, the number of reservations, waiting list, profit, expenses, etc.
In order to accommodate the problem, the development of DynamicDash has been started. The application would introduce an automated and uniform way of displaying various statistics that management could make use of.
A modern and user-friendly management dashboard that allows the client to view various statistics regarding reservations, customers, products, finances, employees and schedules.