ICT & Open Learning/Innovation

Pushing the state of the art in autonomous drone navigation with state of the art Ai methods.

This presentation aims to display the implementation of API. It is part of a project aiming to provide robotised serving at ...

Biofeedback is an application where therapists can watch and review meetings they've held. It includes datavisualizations about a ...

The main goal of our project was to develop a piece of software that allows the easy generation of PLC software for the Siemens ...

Rubric is a simple way to set up grading criteria for assignments. It helps the student to know what is expected from them to ...

A whole list of games has already been made for the Active Floor system. From math to maintaining vegetable gardens. These are ...

The challenge of this project was to improve the virtual teaching interface. With all lessons being online due to Corona, more ...

The three projects we have been creating from scratch are: the design and development of the new Solar Team TU/E website, the ...

A new online data visualisation tool is being developed for Dutch theatres. Stichting DIP (Digital Information Platform on the ...

Fontys ICT InnovationLab is getting a new brand identity. Our job was to make this identity dynamic.

We noticed that not many FHICT students have ever participated in a CTF event. A CTF event is a fun fun to gain more knowledge ...

OpenRemote asked us to connect a "wacky" IoT device to their IoT platform. After some brainstorming we came up with our concept: a ...

Create an app for bartenders / business owners in the catering industry that works together with an autonomous server robot ...

Algorithms are already making many daily decisions. These decisions are automatically made using the data we feed them. What the ...

One Button (OB) Trader is the first publicly available automated trading tool that uses only AI for decision making. ...

Using machine learning in a digital learning environment to improve the learning experience.

We kicked of the challenge with the question how we can optimize the current situation around the proces of attending an event, ...

How can we support Simptel in developing its own platform so that the current process is automated?

How do we use technology to help elderly people communicate more with their friends and family?

De challenge vanuit Sogeti is om een concept te bedenken wat het dagelijks leven voor mensen met een beperking verbeterd. Dit ...

Care personnel usually doesn't have a clear vision about their career perspectives and possibilities to grow. Catherina hospital ...