Your Biome
ICT & Game Design and Technology
Client company:Dogfood Studios
Dielesen, Thomas T.J.L.
Gijsbers, Daphne D
Gilsing, Guylian G
Hutjens, Brian B.A
Janssen, Julian J.C.W
Project description
The goal of our project is to design a BCI-experience that allows people on events to explore environments that shift and transform based on their real-time brainwave data so that they can experience a thought-provoking activity.
Nestled in the vibrant Brainport area and thriving amidst the chaos of the Fontys ICT InnovationLab, lurks a small Game Studio. Here, a group of lecturers, researchers, and affiliates form a harmonious alliance.
Projects are fueled by the courage of a band of international students brave enough to venture the rapids of the Game Design and Technology specialisation at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Information and Communication Technology.
Our assignment for this industry project isn’t to make a specific game, it is to find out the possibilities of the Neurosity Crown and make a game with a transformative element that works with its brainwaves.
The goal is to create an experience that could be deployed at an event or festival. The experience itself must provoke a discussion about why the environment is different for each person that goes through it.
About the project group
Our group consists of team members from different ICT sectors, all making the most of our specialities honed through our past profile to contribute to this project.
With collaboration of our stakeholders, we decided to make use of an iterative agile scrum method. This means that we will divide this project into sprints with each sprint having a certain goal. Our stakeholders suggested that every sprint we deliver an MVP.