VDL Konings - Blueprint Recognition
ICT & Artificial Intelligence
Client company:VDL Konings
Bartijn Meurs
Artem Bachynskyi
Project description
How can AI effectively automate the identification of errors and discrepancies in engineering blueprints?
Engineers investing substantial time in manual blueprint validations represents an inefficient use of their expertise. Even correct blueprints require significant validation effort, diverting valuable engineering resources from other critical tasks. The project goal was to ease the work of engineers in validating blueprints. In order to do so we have come up with the AI solution for them.
We have created two different models that can recognise Welding symbols on large blueprints. this is easily expandable by adding more and different data to easily catagorise different kind of blueprints.
About the project group
We are both students in semester 6. Artem's background is in software engeneering and Bartijn's is in Infrastructure. This project took us about 4 months to create.